6 minutes walk and COVID-19

Thanks: https://images.app.goo.gl/hpesWz2WBF4riBPi7

Hello friends!

Hope you all are fine in these days of various disasters.

So today I am here with a 6 minutes walk test which is given by Dr A.K. Agrawal,which can detect early covid and save us from entering into further complications.

There are mainly two types of Oxygens 1) Resting oxygen 2) Exertional oxygen

When oxygen level gets low it can’t be detect early that is in resting situation and further in some days we felt hypoxic that is we feel breathlessness even in resting position. But until then we have already affected more with covid and situation are getting worsened. You all are already knew it.

So what we have to do is simply do a 6 MINUTES WALK TEST in which we have to take a walk for 6 minutes and then check your oxygen saturation (SPO2) if it is normal then you are alright but if it is low then you have to be worry. This is called exertional oxygen and it is easy to measure low oxygen saturation in exertional period.

In this way we can detect early covid in initial stage.

So guys please take care of yourself.

Don’t roam unecessarily.

Avoid gathering.

Have a nice day😊

Little Awareness 😊

Thanks: https://www.google.com/search?q=pain+shoulder&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiuo6Su-q3wAhUQH7cAHVtcDtgQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=pain+shoulder&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAOgQIABBDOgcIABCxAxBDOgUIABCxA1CXDFiRG2DEHmgAcAB4AIABsAOIAcMQkgEJMC43LjIuMC4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=9ieQYK7QHpC-3LUP27i5wA0&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=imnv#imgrc=8m1Z4bF_D70UTM

Hello my dear friends. It has been so long, hope you all are fighting this pandemic by taking care each and every second.

Each and everyone are now concentrating on COVID-19. Everyone among us is fully focusing on that particular symptoms and unfortunately ignoring other symptoms or any other signs of other illness.

So, this is nothing but a short awareness post for all of you.

There is one term called “Referred Pain” so the referred pain is a pain that percieved at a site adjacent to or away from the site of origin. Simply it means the pain due to some organ damage or some irregularities in organ but away from that organ.

Here are some examples:

1. Pain in diaphragm(dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals used for breathing) is referred toward right shoulder.

2. Cardiac pain is felt at the inner part of left arm and left shoulder.

3. Pain in ovary referred to umblicus while pain from testis is felt in abdomen.

4. Pain in gallbladder (present in abdomen which holds digestive fluids) is referred to epigastric region (upper central region of an abdomen)

5. Similarly, renal pain is referred to loin(near hip region)

So please take care of yourself by staying home.

Visit your doctor if needed. Don’t ignore any other signs and signals. Remember that prevention is always better than cure.

We always hate PAIN sensations but do you know how beneficial it is for us?

It gives warning signal about existence of a problem, it prevents further damage by causing reflex withdrawal of the body from the source of injury (touching hot utensils or anyother hot sensation). Beside this, it force the person to rest or minimize the activities thus it helps rapid healing of an injury and most importantly, it urges the person to take required treatment to prevent major damage.

Take care.

Have a nice day🙂

Women’s Day😇

Hatts of to these women who have converted our lives into heaven.

Savitribai Phule, Jijabai, Bhimabai Ambedkar, Ahillyabai Holkar

The crown of SELF RESPECT adorns the beauty of a women.It is the most important ornament one should wear.

Women is one, who is  Reliable, hardworking, confident, the one who knows her worth and backs it up when needed. An independent person who is always ready to shoulder the burden whenever needed.
A level headed, open minded and opionated individual with strong sense of awareness and a great mental strength. A graceful personality with a caring and loving heart❤


PS: Be a strong women who cheers another one and helps her grow too.

National Science Day!


For best or worse we are living in a technological world.

Various technologies spread a candle of light in our day to day life. Life becomes easier but at the same time technology limits our brain process and analysis.
Almost all people seems to be fascinated by the eruption of technological advancements in the educational field.

Technology is easily accessible besides this it also removed time and space limitations. It also helps in easily grasping of content and information in a shorter span of time. The importance of technology in schools cannot be ignored. In fact, with the onset of computers in education, it has become easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. The use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning all the more enjoyable.
Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for people to learn and work together.

But on the other hand children sometimes overuse technology which obviously affects the learning process in a negative way. Plagiarism and cheating have increased while analysis, memory recall and critical thinking have declined. This puts young generation into Jeopardy.

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. It will not replace good teachers but technology in the hands of good teachers can be transformational.

So keep it in mind🙂

Dont be a machine.

Have a nice day!

Dr Srushti

Fingerprints can also detect Mouth Criminals!

Hello Friends!

Today I am here with an interesting topic. It will add a pinch of information in your knowledge. Hope you like it guys.

So as we all knew that our fingerprint has a unique pattern. It helps to detect a person, criminal etc.

But do you know our FINGERPRINTS can also help to detect our oral health?

Yes! Our fingerprint which is also known as Dermatoglyphs helps in detecting oral diseases.

There are mainly 3 types of patterns of our finger print, 1. Arch 2. Loop and 3. Whorl.

PERIODONTITIS is one of the common disease of oral cavity. It is simply a disease of Gums in which there may be a destruction of a jaw bone.

So we can detect this gum disease with the help of Dermatoglyphics.

Many studies have done to detect the fingerprints pattern and its relation to the periodontitis. This helps in early detection and thus prevention of the disease.

Mainly an individual with WHORL PATTERN showed possibility of Chronic Periodontitis while Loop pattern was absent in a patients with Peridontitis.

Fingerprints are genetic matter and it remains as it is from birth till death.

So not only to identify the criminals in our society, our Fingerprints can also help in detecting many Criminals of Oral health nothing but our oral diseases.

Some studies also proved that Dermatoglyphics can also related to tooth caries.

So guys getting bored at home? Then let’s check your hand and stand in front of mirror with a smile 😁😉 and try to evaluate it.

I hope you all enjoy reading this information.

Have a nice day😊

Take care, be happy and healthy.

Dr Srushti


Hello friends!

We all knew that how Atrocious this year is for each and every one. But we have to cope up with all this shits and we are learning and have to learn how to deal with all this awful things.

So be VICTORIOUS always.
Make a Victory on Neagative thoughts which are always ready to rush into our mind.

Make a Victory on Selfsihness, be always helpfull.

Make a Victory against against Jealousy, don’t react instead be continue with your hard work.

Make a Victory with your own things. Be passionate and be honest,everything will definitely going to be alright one day.

Everyone is dealing with their own struggle in their path so be VICTORIOUS, be strong and win your battle. No one , nothing will going to stop you to reach your destination .

Happy Dassehra and Happy Vijayadashmi.

Have a nice day😊

Dr. Srushti

Keep Learning, Keep Rising

Hello Friends!

So today is WORLD STUDENTS DAY. and as we know it is celebrated on birth anniversary of a great person A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM sir.

So what Student means? The one who is achieving many degrees; learning any kind of diploma or one who has joint an institution?

The answer is NO!

It is said that EVERYONE IS A STUDENT FOR LIFETIME. There is no any specific age limit to learn new things , to do innovative work.


So Education is a basic need and most important thing for each and everyone, no doubt in that but it never means that let’s learn, educate ;achieve degree and earn money. Is this list is sufficient?

So what is true education?

My dear people let’s teach your child some kindness ,some selflessness, some care , simply teach them HUMANITY.

The word student is not limited only for education and career aspects. Every one among us is a student. But the thing is we are forgetting to learn the important things in our life and for our life too.

Everyone is on their way to achieve goals in career ;to complete the particular target but now a days no one is bother about humanity. No one is teaching their children how to behave with others. Every parents are in a race to ran their children like a horse.

Guys want to say that please try to take out some time to serve others. Be kind with others. There are so many people who really need you.

In our life the concepts of loss and profit is exactly opposite of business. Here one who give to other will always be in profit.

So BE A STUDENT. Learn to help;learn to be kind; learn to be honest; learn to be selfless; learn to live for other, learn to be caring; learn to make others happy.

Trust me guys it will help you for a lifetime. It is a kind of an investment,the fruit of which will definately touches your feet.

So Learn these valuable things by being student for a lifetime.

Have a happy,healthy and nice day😊

Dr. Srushti


Thanks: https://images.app.goo.gl/wncWHuAGP6C6fua56

Hello friends!

How are you all? Hope you all are happy,healthy and living new normal very positively by being negative for corona😉

Banana is called a happy food as it is a stress relieving fruit as it contain happy hormone called CORTISOL. It is a natural cure for stress and anxiety.

Banana also helps us to digest food, it helps to cure constipation, it gives us energy and good heart beat.

There are many such benifits of a Banana but Do you know it also helps you to QUIT SMOKING HABIT?

Yes! This banana contain VITAMIN B and MAGNESIUM which helps us to quit smoking.

When someone is trying to quit smoking then naturally he will feel stressed , mood will change, headache will be there so banana helps to reduce the nicotine withdrawal stress.

One who is trying to quit smoking can add a banana in diet, it will help you to get rid of physical as well as psychological smoking withdrawal symptoms .


For more information about cancer,keep smoking.

So eat BANANAS and make your lungs healthy by quitting smoking.




Have a nice,happy and smokeless healthy day😊

Dr. Srushti